Rev. Dr. Srinivasan Devasahayam Ponraj and his wife Sheila have been cross-cultural missionaries in North India for about forty years. Their major focus has been among the tribal people in Gujarat and Jharkhand and caste Hindus in Bihar. At present Ponraj leads a major Church Planting Movement in the State of Bihar. He is also the Senior Pastor of Bihar Christian Church and served as its Senior Pastor till 2020. After passing of the baton to his son Bishop Daniel Ponraj, at present Ponraj serves as researcher, teacher, trainer, writer and publisher on mission studies having his office in Chennai.
A graduate of Serampore University (B.D), Ponraj pursued further studies at SAIACS, Bangalore to obtain his M.Th in missiology and later at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary,USA for his D.Min.
He is an author and publisher of over twelve books on mission topics. He has been ordained by the Church of North India and the Evangelical Church of India. Ponraj and Sheila have three sons and ten grand- children. They have their residence at Madhupur in Jharkhand State.