John D. Robb

“Brother Ponraj brings his extensive experience as a pioneer missionary, gifted trainer, respected leader, effective mobilizer, as well as accomplished writer and publisher to this book. In addition, with his panoramic grasp of what is happening across Indian missions today, I can think of no one who is more qualified than he to write on this subject. He has lived it himself along with his dedicated and competent wife, Sheila, first in Gujerat and now Bihar, perhaps the toughest mission field of the nation.

I especially appreciate the way he has drawn out lessons on character from the Biblical models he has surveyed because, in the final analysis, it is character and integrity that makes or breaks us in the missionary calling. He has also shared character lessons he has had to learn in his own missionary experience. I am sure you will find this veteran missionary’s reflections to be a blessing and challenge in your service for Christ and His Kingdom.”

John D. Robb
International Coordinator, International Prayer Council
BOOK: Biblical Models for Strategic Mission -English

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