About Us

Equipping and empowering God’s people for the transformation of South Asia, Since 1987.

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          Rev. Dr. Srinivasan Devasahayam Ponraj and his wife Sheila have been cross-cultural missionaries in North India for about forty five years. Their major focus has been among the tribal people in Gujarat and Jharkhand and caste Hindus in Bihar. Ponraj gave leadership to a major Transformation Church Planting Movement in the State of Bihar for about 30 years. He also served as founder and Senior Pastor of Bihar Christian Church till 2020. After passing of the baton to his son Bishop Daniel Ponraj, at present Ponraj serves as researcher, teacher, trainer, writer and publisher on mission studies having his office in Chennai and in Patna. Ponraj’s recent initiative is starting of United Bihar Theological College in Punpun, Patna. 

A graduate of Serampore University (B.D), Ponraj pursued further studies at SAIACS, Bangalore to obtain his M.Th in missiology and later at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary,USA for his D.Min. 

He is an author and publisher of 17 books in English and several books in the reginal languages on mission topics. He has been ordained by the Church of North India and the Evangelical Church of India. Ponraj and Sheila have three sons and ten grand- children. They have their residence at Madhupur in Jharkhand State.

The Beginning

A small beginning was made in the year 1987 when the first book "Church Planting Approach to Mission" was authored and published by S.Devasahayam Ponraj at Danishtpet, Tamil Nadu with a loan of rupees two thousand taken from a Christian friend. Within six months 1000 copies of the books were sold and therefore another 1000 copies had to be printed. In 1988 one more book "Church Growth Studies in Mission" was written and published. In 1990 a third book, "Man on the Mission Field" was added. The Lord gave Ponraj the name Mission Educational Books as He confirmed the writing and publication ministry to give a special focus on mission studies.

Our Commitment

MEB operates with a four-fold commitment in out writing, publishing and distribution of mission literature. Based on field experience, field research, practical and field oriented, relevant to the Indian and Asian mission contexts and finally available at an affordable price.

The Expansion

The Lord blessed this small beginning and today we have published over 100 titles and some of them in several regional languages. The Lord has enabled the MEB books to be widely circulated both in India and abroad.

Our Appeal:

We request the church and mission leadership and Christians at large to pray and support the books ministry. =>To pray for research, writing, publication and distribution. =>To buy and read the mission books and educate yourself for effective mission. =>To buy mission books and give them as gifts to missionaries, pastors, evangelists. =>To recommend the mission books to your friends and church members. =>To sponsor the publication of books by your family or church or mission.

Let us partner together to see India is transformed and blessed in our generation.

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MEB Leadership Team

Meet Our Authors

Rev. Dr. S. D. Ponraj

Author & Publisher

Dr. Samuel Jayakumar

Author & Professor of Mission Studies

Mary Ann Bishop

Author and Bible Teacher

John D. Robb

Author & International Mission Mobilizer

Bishop Daniel Ponraj

Author & Bishop of Bihar Christian Church

Dr. Ambrose Selva Raj

Author & Mission Executive

Rev. Jeff Reed

Author and Founder of BILD

Peter and Dot Lane Rai

Authors & Bible Teachers

Rev. Jim and Carla Bowman

Authors and Founders of Scripture In Use

Dr. John T. Seamands

Author & Missionary in India for 40 years

MEB Operates with Seven - fold Commitment.

We strive to maintain all our publications as biblically based and tested by sound doctrines . We strive to avoid any discrepancies to the teachings of the Bible .

All publications ( writings ) are supported by facts and figures from our personal field and library research.

Most of the writings come from authors personal experience over the years in the church as well as mission field contexts.

Except a few most of the books are practically written and are mission field onented . They are addressed to grass root church planters , field missionaries , evangelists , pastors and Bible school students .

The writings are focused on the Asian contexts in general and Indian contexts in particular . Ve have addressed the issues that we are facing on the mission fields . Special focus is given to reach the Tribals , Hindus and especially the popular Hindus.

Mission Educational Books ministry is committed to be accountable to the church and mission leadership in India in our writing , publication and distribution of books on mission studies . All MEB publications have foreword notes from one or two of leading church and mission leaders in India and around the world.

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All books are given for a Donation only and not for sale. The donation given for the books will go for the free educational ministry of Musahar Dalit children in Bihar State.

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Mission Educational Books is the Educational and Publication Department of Mission Research and Educational Service Trust.

MEB is the publication department of MREST:  Registered Trust: 527/1995

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